Yinajalan Ngarrungunil Health and Wellbeing Campus (HWC) is an Australia-first initiative developed by Nyamba Buru Yawuru (NBY) to provide important, holistic physical and psychological services to people in the West Kimberley region. The finished campus will combine existing facilities with proposed facilities, and additional sites with long-term lease arrangements for complementary care providers.

Health and wellbeing campus map

Remediation works commencing

During preliminary earthworks in 2022, asbestos was found on the HWC site, and works were stopped to develop an asbestos removal plan. DevelopmentWA is now assisting NBY with the remediation works, which involve identifying and treating contamination or unstable soil conditions to ensure the site is safe and suitable for use.

DevelopmentWA prioritises the health and safety of the community as part of our works. Residents will observe that the remediation area, which includes a footpath along Clementson Street, is currently fenced. This measure is in place for the safety of the community, and public access to the site is not permitted.

All works will be undertaken by a licensed contractor with extensive experience in the safe handling of asbestos. On completion of the works, an independent asbestos auditor will review the remediation works and provide a validation report for the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation to confirm that all asbestos has been removed according to approved guidelines.

See our FAQs on the right for more information.

Next steps

Subdivisional works involve preparing the land for development. This will include:

  • Clearing and levelling vegetation;
  • Building roads and footpaths; stormwater management and drainage;
  • Landscaping;
  • Installation of signage, street lighting and fencing;
  • Laying pipes for water, sewer and electricity; and
  • Environmental management.

Local residents will be notified of subdivision works in advance.

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