Broome Yinajalan Ngarrungunil Health and Wellbeing Campus (HWC) is an Australia-first initiative developed by Nyamba Buru Yawuru (NBY) to provide important, holistic physical and psychological services to people in the West Kimberley region. The finished campus will combine existing facilities with proposed facilities, and additional sites with long-term lease arrangements for complementary care providers.

Health and wellbeing campus map

Upcoming works

DevelopmentWA is installing roads, drainage, and utility services – including water, sewer, power, and communications – in preparation for this exciting development.

The new road will provide access for future health providers and emergency services. Utility infrastructure will enable future allied health services to operate as intended. As part of these works, excavated and imported material will be placed and compacted.

This work is essential for maintaining the stability and durability of the new road. Residents may notice an increase in noise, vibration, dust, and traffic in the area. However, strict measures will be in place to ensure that impacts to residents comply with all State and local government guidelines, and kept to a minimum. See our FAQs on the right for more information.

Update on vibrational rolling

Two vibration monitors have been installed to provide instant alerts if vibration levels exceed Australian standards - one in the HWC subdivision, and another in the neighbouring Demco subdivision.

We expect to finish works closest to residents by 11 February 2025, and with each lift of pindan, the vibrations should decrease.

Bulk earthworks further west, away from residents, are on track for completion by February 2025.

To keep vibrations as low as possible, Roadline is using the smallest footprint pad rollers on the lowest setting.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about works at the HWC site, please contact:

Contact Information

For general questions about the Yinajalan Ngarrungunil Health and Wellbeing Campus, you can also email the DevelopmentWA project team at or submit a question using the form below.

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