Lot 803 Altone Road
Current status
The site is currently zoned Urban Deferred within the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS).
DevelopmentWA has lodged a proposal to rezone the land from Urban Deferred to Urban.
The rezoning process is managed by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH), and is expected to be completed by late 2023.
DevelopmentWA is proposing to develop Lot 803 into a high quality residential precinct that champions the site’s environmental qualities and provides a range of housing options.
DevelopmentWA will engage with the community through the planning process to achieve a sustainable, vibrant and environmentally sensitive development of the site.
A number of key planning and environmental approvals will be progressed over the next two years.
Subject to all approvals being obtained, work on site is likely to start in 2025.
The site is largely cleared due to its previous agricultural use.
The existing Resource Enhancement Wetland at the southern end of the site is proposed to be protected and enhanced.
The easiest way to stay informed is to register to receive project updates. You can do that here.
The project team is looking forward to engaging with the community about Lot 803 once the required rezoning is completed. The best way to find out about project progress is to register for project updates here.