DevelopmentWA is proposing an exciting new project at Lot 912 Midland Road, Bushmead
We are proposing to develop the former Bushmead Rifle Range site into a diverse residential community that celebrates the site’s heritage and is sensitive to its surrounding bushland and semi-rural setting.
The 24-hectare site is located just 16km from the Perth CBD and a short distance from the town centres of Guildford, Midland and Kalamunda.
Its close proximity to employment at Midland, Forrestfield and Kewdale, coupled with easy access to Perth Airport, the Perth Hills and the High Wycombe railway station makes Lot 912 an ideal location for a range of housing choices designed to complement the site's surroundings.
What's happening now
The Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 17 November 2020. Please visit the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage for more details.
The City of Swan has commenced the process to bring the Local Planning Scheme No. 17 to conformity with the MRS Urban zone. At the City of Swan’s Ordinary Meeting of Council on Wednesday July 10, 2024 the Council resolved unanimously to:
- Acknowledge the need for further modification to proposed Amendment No.195 to Local Planning Scheme No.17 as subject to Council resolution of February 17, 2021, in order for the City to comply with section 81(b) of the Planning and Development Act 2005.
- Modify proposed Amendment No.195 to Local Planning Scheme No.17 to read as follows:
- Modify the Scheme Map to reclassify Lot 912 Midland Road, Bushmead from unzoned to 'Special Use Zone No.14'.
- Replace the existing entry of Special Use Zone No.14 in Schedule No.4 with revised Condition.
- Refer the modified proposed amendment to the Environmental Protection Authority for consent to advertise and once consent is given, commence advertising in accordance with the procedures set out in the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
The City of Swan have now opened the proposed amendment for public comment. For more information or to comment, please visit City of Swan.
Georgiou are currently utilising the northern portion of
Lot 912 as a laydown/site compound area for a Water Corporation pipeline
upgrade. Works on the new 2.4km water pipeline began in February 2024 and are
anticipated to be ongoing for 18 months.
Engaging with the community
We know the community will be interested in our plans for Lot 912, and we will include opportunities for input as we undertake more detailed planning for the site. We invite you to register to keep updated on the project.

Our engagement to date
Recent Engagement
On the 11 November 2021, DevelopmentWA recommenced its engagement with previous and new members of the Bushmead community to address the following:
- Review and discuss the feedback on previous results.
- A chance for more people to share their feedback on the same questions.
- Provide any other feedback or comments that DevelopmentWA need to capture going forward to inform the next steps for the Bushmead project.
This was held at the Zig Zag Cultural Center in Kalamunda from 6pm to 7:30pm. There were 29 attendees, ranging from landowners, businesses and interested parties aligned with the area.
Below are the key recommendations for each question asked, to factor into the design guidelines of the Bushmead project.
The feedback provided to us in this workshop, was immensely valuable information and insight into what matters to the Bushmead community, as well as identifying a clearer vision for the planning of the site.
Please see our document library for the full Summary Engagement Report and a copy of the PowerPoint presentation from the session.
Previous Engagement
Online survey results - 15 July 2021

Future engagement
The feedback from the Bushmead World Cafe session and Community Values Survey will be used to:
- Inform the creation of the Local Structure Plan.
- Submission of Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC) approvals.
- Progress to development and sales.
Here are estimated timings below of the current status:
Local Structure Plan (LSP)
Submission of the LSP is pending advice from the Local Authority and State Environmental Authorities.
Development and Sales
Timing for the commencement of development is subject to Planning and Environmental approvals. Sales will follow once development has substantially commenced.