Draft Master Plan
The Draft Master Plan is the first step towards the transformation of Bentley. It presents the vision for the Bentley Redevelopment Area over the next 20 years and beyond. It is a key part of planning the redevelopment and is designed to deliver a community that feels safe, inclusive, healthy and connected.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the Bentley Redevelopment draft Master Plan and draft Redevelopment Scheme.
The period for public comment has now closed.
We are reviewing all feedback to inform the final Master Plan and Redevelopment Scheme. A report on the consultation outcomes will be presented to the Bentley Land Redevelopment Committee for consideration in Autumn 2025*.
All those who provided feedback on the Master Plan and Redevelopment Scheme will be invited to make a deputation to the Committee. Details regarding the Committee meeting, including the date, time and how to make a deputation, will be shared prior to the meeting.
Click on the dots below to view the key features of the Draft Master Plan

Frequently Asked Questions
The Bentley Redevelopment Project is a significant urban renewal project delivered by DevelopmentWA.
The project is designed to breathe new life into the area by delivering a diverse range of housing options, as well as parklands and community amenities.
The project site is generally bounded by Walpole Street to the North, Manning Road to the South, Pollock Street and Bentley Primary School to the East, and Dumond Street to the West.
A redevelopment area defines where DevelopmentWA can direct, oversee and enable land revitalisation. DevelopmentWA creates planning schemes, design guidelines, and policies and assesses development applications to deliver on the redevelopment objectives and the State Government’s vision for a revitalised Perth.
The Bentley Redevelopment Area was created by the State Government on 2 May 2024. This planning framework enables DevelopmentWA, to manage all aspects of the project’s delivery, communication and regulation.
This will help to ensure the timely and efficient delivery of the project, and reflects the project's status as a priority for the State Government.
The Bentley redevelopment Draft Master Plan is the first step towards the transformation of Bentley.
Informed by more than a decade of community feedback, the Draft Master Plan provides a road map for delivering on the vision for the project, and will guide future redevelopment of the site over the next 10-15 years.
The Bentley Redevelopment Scheme is the new planning framework under which Bentley will be developed. The draft Scheme is available on DevelopmentWA’s planning page or on this webpage under the 'Document Library' . The Scheme includes details on how to make a comment.
Stage 1 is the first phase of the redevelopment project, focusing on the subdivision of land for:
- The 46 residential lots
- Two development sites, and
- Three public open spaces.
As part of Stage 1, extensive remediation earthworks are required to ensure the site is safe and suitable for new homes to be developed. This process involves excavation and replacement of soil (up to 10 metres deep) across an area of approximately 8-hectares.
The construction of houses is not part of Stage 1 works. However, the land will be made ready for a diverse mix of housing to be built in the future.
Read more about Stage 1 subdivision and remediation works here.