Stage 1 Overview
The site
Located just eight kilometres south of the Perth Central Business District, the Bentley Redevelopment Area spans approximately 31 hectares, and will be developed into a vibrant, well-connected residential community that meets the needs of a diverse and growing population and boosts housing for Perth.
Stage 1 spans 2.7 hectares and is bordered by Taree Street to the west, Pitt Street to the north, and Pollock Street to the east.
Works summary
Stage 1 is the first phase of the Bentley Redevelopment Project. Focusing on green spaces and thoughtful design, Stage 1 will offer residents a high-quality, modern living experience in a vibrant residential community with a diverse range of housing options, parklands and amenities.
Stage 1 works commenced in December 2024 and focuses on land subdivision to pave the way for future homes and public open spaces.
As part of this stage, we are delivering:
- 46 residential lots ranging from 183m² to 416m²
- Two residential development sites
- Three new public open space areas - view and comment on the Stage 1 Landscaping Concept Plan below.
Following land subdivision works for Stage 1, remediation earthworks will be undertaken across a wider part of the site to ensure it is safe and ready for development. A portion of the site was formerly a sand quarry (active between the late 1940s and 1960s) and has since been backfilled with various materials, including loose sand and gravel, making it unsuitable for future residential development. The remediation works will involve excavation and replacement of soil across an area of 8-hectares.
The Stage 1 works are anticipated to be completed by late 2025, with landscaping works to follow shortly after.
What to expect
During the Stage 1 and remediation works, local residents and the community may experience some temporary noise and vibration, increased traffic, and dust/sand spill.
Prior to commencing works, the contractor will prepare a Construction and Environmental Management Plan which will outline how dust, noise and vibration will be managed.
The temporary Waabiny Park will also be closed for public safety, and some trees will be removed. Where possible, trees will be retained within private lots, and some trees will be replaced with varieties suited to the local climate.
We are committed to working with the contractor to minimise impacts on local residents and the community. Adjacent residents, schools, businesses and key stakeholders will be provided with advanced notice of works that may impact on them. We will keep the community informed via localised letterbox drops, website updates and on-site signage.
As the safety of the community is paramount, the works area will be fenced and public access to the site will not be permitted during works.
Pedestrian and cyclist detours will be required.
We will work with the contractor to ensure advance notice is provided to pedestrians and cyclists through on-site signage. View the siteworks map below for more information.

In March to April 2024, we carried out a survey to understand community values, needs and priorities to inform the Draft Bentley Redevelopment Master Plan.
We heard that green space and recreation was important to the community. Around 15% of respondents said they wanted more and improved parks and green/open spaces.
Residents said they desire increased natural spaces that promote healthy living and socialising with more trees, shaded playgrounds, and a safe spot for families.
With this feedback in mind, DevelopmentWA will deliver the public open spaces following initial works in late 2025, with the spaces to be accessible to the community in 2026.
A Stage 1 Landscaping Concept Plan has been developed (refer image below). Throughout October and November 2024, we sought community and stakeholder feedback on the three public open spaces proposed for Stage 1. Feedback received during this process will help shape the detailed landscaping plan.
The landscaping concept map is still available to view on this webpage.
Further updates will be provided on landscaping at the works progress.

Comment period now closed
Throughout October and November 2024, we welcomed feedback from the community and stakeholders on the Stage 1 Landscaping Concept Plan. The comment period closed on 16 November 2024.
Thank you to those stakeholders and community members who provided feedback. All comments will be considered when developing the detailed landscaping plan.
Further information on landscaping will be provided as the works progress.
To stay up-to-date, subscribe or register for updates below.
Works approvals
The Stage 1 activities were approved under the existing planning framework. For more information on the planning framework, view the Bentley Regeneration Project Local Structure Plan on the City of Canning webpage.
Although the site Master Plan is not yet finalised, DevelopmentWA is working to fast-track the first stage of development to support the State Government’s priority to deliver more homes for Western Australians. Click here to learn more about the Master Plan.
Following a competitive tender, DevelopmentWA is finalising arrangements with a contractor to commence site works in Decembe 2024.
Community and stakeholder engagement
We are committed to keeping the community informed as the works progress on site.
Further information, including regular project updates, will be provided to key stakeholders and the surrounding community through localised letterbox drops, updates on this webpage and on-site signage.
Alternatively, register your details to receive updates direct to your email. We appreciate your patience while we deliver this important housing project.