
The State Government recently adopted a Social Housing Mix Policy. DevelopmentWA is now formulating it’s response to the policy. Which projects have to supply social housing is still under consideration.

A copy of the policy is in the document library. Please treat this document as confidential. It is for internal use only and not for circulation outside of DevelopmentWA.

Also in the document library is a separate document that contains a policy summary, how it may apply to the project life cycle, a draft decision tree to guide which projects may have to comply with the policy and our first attempt to identify affected projects and likely allocations (still under consideration).

The Policy is not retrospective. The Policy specifies ratios that require future DevelopmentWA projects to deliver land for social housing.

Any variation to the ratios requires the approval of the Residential Lands and Housing Delivery Ministerial Oversight Committee.

DevelopmentWA and Communities will need to agree a pipeline that considers social housing needs and DevelopmentWA’s capacity to supply land. A monthly meeting between the agencies is being established for this purpose. The COO will attend this meeting.


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