Site clean-up and infrastructure relocation works

In January 2022, site clean-up and infrastructure relocation works commenced at the East Perth Power Station site, a decommissioned coal fire power plant, to allow for future development to occur. These works have involved:

  • relocating existing gas and electricity infrastructure
  • clean-up of the Power Station and surrounding buildings and structures.
Three works packages have been undertaken on the site by three agencies – DevelopmentWA, Western Power and ATCO. Western Power and ATCO have now completed their works, with DevelopmentWA currently finalising the site's remediation and reclassification. It is anticipated that the total works program will be completed by late 2024.

The project is now set to move into a strategic planning process, with the preparation of a Masterplan and Design Guidelines for the precinct. It is anticipated that Stage 1 of the redevelopment will incorporate lots 100 and 601 (refer to map below). Please see our current Frequently Asked Questions on the right-hand panel for the latest on the project.

Redevelopment lots reclassified

Lots 100 and 600 (refer to map above) have been reclassified from ‘contaminated’ to ‘remediated for restricted use’, with the restricted use being high density residential, commercial/industrial and public open space. This is subject to some conditions being met first. The reclassification of Lot 601 is still pending.

Summary of each work package

A summary of each work package is presented below. For further details, view the project FAQs and fact sheets on the right-hand panel.

To prepare the site for future development, DevelopmentWA has completed a clean-up/removal of some surrounding buildings, including the office, pump house and coal-handling structures.

Some asbestos removal within the Power Station building has also occurred.

In August 2023, Western Power completed power relocation works to underground overhead powerlines. This included the removal of the powerlines and poles, significantly improving the outlook.

A total of five power poles were removed – three in the 132kv switchyard north of Summers Street and two between the Power Station building and the Swan River.

Three new poles were installed to the south of the Power Station near the Graham Farmer Freeway. The original overhead lines, which crossed the Freeway, were relocated and attached to the new poles.

The completion of these works means no further disruptions to the shared path adjacent to the Graham Farmer Freeway and the river.

Western Power also decommissioned and removed the above ground equipment from the electrical substation located in Lot 601 on the southern side of Summers Street, within the redevelopment site. DevelopmentWA is completing the removal of the below ground structures of the substation. This work is expected to be completed by early to mid 2024.

The electrical substation located on the northern side of Summers Street will remain.

Changes have been made to the existing gas network as part of the site works.

In October 2022, ATCO completed work to relocate its Gas Pressure Reduction Station (PRS) from the Power Station site to a new temporary location next to the Banks Reserve Car Park.

A gas pipeline has been installed along Summers Street, between Joel Terrace and the foreshore, to connect the gas network to the new PRS. The existing PRS on the Power Station site has been decommissioned as part of these works.

The temporary PRS will maintain a safe, reliable and affordable gas network while a permanent PRS is constructed in Bayswater. We expect the temporary facility to be in place for several years, before the permanent PRS is commissioned in Bayswater.

Community and stakeholder engagement

The project team appreciates the works may have some impacts on nearby residents, businesses and the local community. The works have been undertaken under strict approvals, guidelines and approved construction management plans. Mitigation measures have minimised any inconvenience while still allowing the works to progress.

Further information, including regular project updates, will be provided to key stakeholders and the surrounding community as the works progress.

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